A physically active lifestyle has long been considered an essential component of well-being.
Overall, the results that have been achieved on the population level in Countries to date are promising. Leisure-time physical activity levels indicate that the proportion of the population that is physically active has significantly increased from 2000/01 to 2003.
Current total physical activity levels meet or exceed population-level targets that have recently been set and a greater percentage of adults are active as compared to our peer region.

Despite these encouraging results the community must be encouraged to continue to maintain these levels of using home gym equipment as the population ages and strive to be a model community in terms of both strategies to sustain physical activity levels and actual physical activity rates.
Furthermore, the Health Unit and its community partners must continue to be a resource and provide leadership to other sectors as the community as a whole strives to increase physical activity for health and well-being. Specific attention should be paid to tailoring programs by gender and age group.
The identified differences in the physical activity level patterns by gender and by age group indicate that the factors related to being active may differ for men and women and that strategies may also need to be customized and gender-specific.
For example, the pattern for males and females may reflect underlying family responsibilities that limit physical activity levels in many younger females during their child-rearing years. Physical activity differs overall significantly by age group and a significant change point in activity level occurs from the 45-54-year-old age group with decreasing percentages that are active in the 55-64-year-old age group and older age groups.
What Are the Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity?
Consistent activity comprised of both cardiovascular and resistance exercise has many mental health benefits. The longer you stick with your exercise schedule and the more often you exercise, the more benefits you’ll see. For example, research shows that regular physical activity can help:
0 Prevent depression and anxiety disorders and may be as effective as psychological and pharmaceutical treatments for depression and anxiety;
0 Reduce day-to-day stress;
0 Particularly among middle-aged individuals, reduce the risk of cognitive decline, measured as a slowing in attention, memory, and concentration, later in life;
0 Individuals perform better than others their age on tests of cognitive ability (e.g., memory, attention, processing speed);
0 Boost academic performance (e.g., grades) in children, youth, and young adults;
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About Liftdex
Liftdex Strength and Equipment is a leading and authorized licensed gym equipment Manufacturer and supplier in UAE with many years of experience, they have been able to provide fitness solutions unmatched to many companies both homes and government parastatals. You reach out to them for more information related to exercise equipment.