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Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Benefit of Barbell Weight Lifting Bench Press

Barbell Workout Flat Bench Press

Developing strength in the muscles requires some fitness exercise which workout bench (gym bench) enables you to participate in muscle building. Start Position 1. Lie flat on the weight lifting bench in a five-point body contact position with eyes directly under the bar. 2. Grasp the bar evenly with a closed, pronated grip with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. 3. Lift the bar from the hooks and position it directly above shoulders with elbows fully extended.

Procedure 1. Take a deep breath to fill the chest with air and engage the core to prevent the back from arching.

2. Lower the bar slowly and under control, allowing it to touch the chest.

3. Keep wrists rigid and directly above elbows. 4. Drive the weight explosively off the chest by extending elbows.

5. Exhale as you near the top of the lift.

Note •The movement of the bar should be down and slightly forward, and up and slightly back.

•The most common error is to let the bar come off the chest moving toward the legs (the bar must come straight up and back off the chest for maximum force).

•Wrists should be in line with elbows with thumbs wrapped around the bar throughout the entire lift.

•The lower back should remain in contact with the bench throughout the entire lift (do not arch the back or raise the chest to meet the bar).

•Avoid bouncing the bar off the chest.

Barbell Weight Lifting Incline Bench Press

Develop strength with incline bench press

Start Position 1. Lie flat on the inclined bench in a five-point body contact position with eyes directly under the bar.

2. Grasp the bar evenly with a closed, pronated grip with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.

3. Lift the bar from the hooks and position it directly above shoulders with elbows fully extended.

Procedure 1. Take a deep breath to fill the chest with air and engage the core to prevent the back from arching.

2. Lower the bar slowly and under control, allowing it to touch the top of the chest.

3. Keep wrists rigid and directly above elbows.

4. Drive the weight explosively off the chest by extending elbows.

5. Exhale as you near the top of the lift.

Note. •The movement of the bar should be down and slightly forward, and up and slightly back.

•The most common error is to let the bar come off the chest moving toward the legs (the bar must come straight up and back off the chest for maximum force).

•Wrists should be in line with elbows and thumbs wrapped around the bar throughout the entire lift.

•The lower back should remain in contact with the bench throughout the entire lift (do not arch the back or raise the chest to meet the bar).

•Avoid bouncing the bar off the chest.

Dumbbell Weight Lifting Flat Bench Press Start Position 1. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with a closed grip and sit on the bench.

2. Lie flat on the bench in a five-point body contact position with arms extended.

Procedure 1. Take a deep breath to fill the chest with air and engage the core to prevent the back from arching.

2. Lower the dumbbells slowly and under control keeping hands over shoulders until the dumbbells reach chest level.

3. Drive the weight off the chest extending elbows.

4. Exhale as you near the top of the lift.

Note: liftdex is a popular gym equipment fabricator and supplier in Dubai, UAE. We provide a wide range of cardio, strength, storage and various kinds of gym equipment in the UAE. Here, we design customize equipment and deliver it to your doorstep. Our all factories are proudly certified and comply with the ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and en1090 standards.

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